Wenli Lu Professor
Department of epidemiology and Biostatistics
Email Luwenli@
Wenli Lu, professor, PhD, master supervisor, Vice Dean of Department of Epidemiology and Statistics, Tianjin Medical University.
She graduated from Tianjin Medical University in 1999 and obtained her master degree in medicine (Epidemiology and statistics) in 2002. In 2012, she obtained PhD from the University of Groningen in the Netherlands. Since 2002, she has been engaged in teaching, research and social services at Tianjin Medical University. Moreover, she is committed to health decision-making and health policy support research, clinical trial data analysis, and clinical epidemiological studies. She is involved in over 30 scientific research projects as main applicant and collaborator, including 7 National Natural Science Foundation of China, 1 National Science & Technology Support Program during the 12th Five-Year Plan Period, 2 key projects of Tianjin Science & Technology Support Program, more than 10 research funds of enterprises and institutions, and more than 10 clinical trial data analysis. She has about 56 publications in SCI and core journals, and edited a textbookon health statistics for international students, and a work on research of cancer follow-up strategies as the editor-in-chief.
Research direction
Research of interest applies the methods and theories of epidemiology, statistics, economics, political science, organizational theory, and operations research to study the processes by which health policies are created and implemented, to investigate the optimization strategy.
Current research interest is decision making in cancer screening and basic health service.
PhD: University Medical Center of Groningen(UMCG), University of Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands, 2012
Master: Tianjin Medical University, Tianjin, China, 2002
Bachelor: Tianjin Medical University, Tianjin, China, 1999
Professional Experience
2014-now: Professor, Vice Dean, Department of Epidemiology and Statistics, Tianjin Medical University, Tianjin, China
2009-2012: Associate Professor, Department of Epidemiology and Statistics, Tianjin Medical University, Tianjin, China
2002-2009: Instructor & lecture, Department of Epidemiology and Statistics, Tianjin Medical University, Tianjin, China
1. National Natural Science Foundation of China,(NSFC) No. 81301799,RMB 230 000, “Optimization of breast cancer screening strategies on the basis of Markov microsimulation model “ From 2014-01-01 to 2016-12-31
2. National Natural Science Foundation of China,(NSFC) No. 71704131,RMB 150 000, “Optimization of Stroke screening and intervention strategy on the basis of Markov risk decision making model” From 2018-01-01 to 2020-12-31
3. Tianjin Working Group of the Colorectal Cancer (CRC) Screening, No. 2401/1GW109,RMB 150 000, “Optimization of Colorectal Cancer (CRC) Screening in Tianjin China” From 2016-01-01 to 2019-12-31
4. Tianjin Science and Technology Commission,No.11ZCGYSY02200, RMB 520 000, Economic evaluation on Breast cancer Screening strategy based on risk assessment” From 2011-01-01 to 2014-12-31
5. Chinese Anti-Cancer Association; CACA, No. 2401/1GW115,RMB 45 000, “Investigation on Resources of cancer prevention and treatment”. From 2017-05-01 to 2018-10-31
6. Board of health Binhai New Area; TBNA,Tianjin,China. No. 2401/1GW049,RMB 45 000, “Workload of Public Health Service and Human Resource in Community Health Service Institution in Tanggu, Tianjin”. From 2013-09-01 to 2015-12-31
7. Board of health HePing, Tianjin,China. No. 2401/1GW087,RMB 49 500, “A Study Based on Grounded theory about Basic Public Health Services practice effect evaluation”. From 2015-09-01 to 2017-12-31
8. Center of health education Tianjin, China No. 2401/1GW124 RMB 70 000, “Optimization of health education strategies - Health Lecture Hall” From 2018-03-01 to 2019-05-31
9. Center of health education Tianjin, China No. 2401/1GW124 RMB 30 000, “Optimization of health education strategies - Health family” From 2019-03-01 to 2020-05-31
10. Chinese community health research grants No. 2401/1GW048 RMB 45 000, “Research on intervention effect of Telephone Delivered Management of Hypertension” From 2012-01-01 to 2013-12-31
1. Wang Y, Wang J, Cheng J, Liang X, Li X, Lu W: Is the Population Detected by Screening in China Truly at High Risk of Stroke? Journal of stroke and cerebrovascular diseases : the official journal of National Stroke Association 2018, 27(8):2118-2123.
2. Yang L, Wang J, Cheng J, Wang Y, Lu W: Quality assurance target for community-based breast cancer screening in China: a model simulation. BMC cancer 2018, 18(1):261.
3. Wang Y, Gao Y, Battsend M, Chen K, Lu W, Wang Y: Development of a risk assessment tool for projecting individualized probabilities of developing breast cancer for Chinese women. Tumour biology : the journal of the International Society for Oncodevelopmental Biology and Medicine 2014, 35(11):10861-10869.
4. Zhang, Q., Ding, L., Liang, X., Wang, Y., Jiao, J., Lu, W., & Guo, X. (2018). Comparison of pathological characteristics between self-detected and screen-detected invasive breast cancers in Chinese women: a retrospective study. PeerJ, 6, e4567. doi:10.7717/peerj.4567
5. Chen Y, Liang X, Zheng S, Wang Y, Lu W: Association of Body Fat Mass and Fat Distribution With the Incidence of Hypertension in a Population-Based Chinese Cohort: A 22-Year Follow-Up. Journal of the American Heart Association 2018, 7(6).
6. Chen Y, Yang Y, Jiang H, Liang X, Wang Y, Lu W: Associations of BMI and Waist Circumference with All-Cause Mortality: A 22-Year Cohort Study. Obesity (Silver Spring, Md) 2019, 27(4):662-669.
7. Lu W, de Bock GH, Schaapveld M, Baas PC, Wiggers T, Jansen L: The value of routine physical examination in the follow up of women with a history of early breast cancer. European journal of cancer (Oxford, England : 1990) 2011, 47(5):676-682.
8. Lu W, Greuter MJ, Schaapveld M, Vermeulen KM, Wiggers T, de Bock GH: Safety and cost-effectiveness of shortening hospital follow-up after breast cancer treatment. The British journal of surgery 2012, 99(9):1227-1233.
9. Lu W, Jansen L, Schaapveld M, Baas PC, Wiggers T, De Bock GH: Underuse of long-term routine hospital follow-up care in patients with a history of breast cancer? BMC cancer 2011, 11:279.
10. Lu W, Schaapveld M, Jansen L, Bagherzadegan E, Sahinovic MM, Baas PC, Hanssen LM, van der Mijle HC, Brandenburg JD, Wiggers T et al: The value of surveillance mammography of the contralateral breast in patients with a history of breast cancer. European journal of cancer (Oxford, England : 1990) 2009, 45(17):3000-3007.
11. Lu WL, Jansen L, Post WJ, Bonnema J, Van de Velde JC, De Bock GH: Impact on survival of early detection of isolated breast recurrences after the primary treatment for breast cancer: a meta-analysis. Breast cancer research and treatment 2009, 114(3):403-412.
12. Lu WL, Li HX, Qian BY, Wang Y, Jansen L, Huang GW, Tang NJ, Sun Z, Chen KX, De Bock GH: The clinical characteristics and prognosis of Chinese early stage breast cancer patients: a retrospective study. The breast journal 2010, 16(3):331-333.
13. Lu W, Song K, Wang Y, Zhang Q, Li W, Jiao H, Wang G, Huang G: Relationship between serum uric acid and metabolic syndrome: an analysis by structural equation modeling. Journal of clinical lipidology 2012, 6(2):159-167.
14. Lu W, Wei W, de Bock GH, Zhou H, Li Q, Shen X: The roles of Wnt5a, JNK and paxillin in the occurrence of metastasis of pancreatic adenocarcinoma. International journal of clinical oncology 2014, 19(6):1011-1019.
15. Song K, Wang Y, Wang G, Zhang Q, Jiao H, Huang G, Lu W: Does decreasing serum uric acid level prevent hypertension? - a nested RCT in cohort study: rationale, methods, and baseline characteristics of study cohort. BMC public health 2013, 13:1069.
16. Wang J, Wen X, Li W, Li X, Wang Y, Lu W: Risk Factors for Stroke in the Chinese Population: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Journal of stroke and cerebrovascular diseases : the official journal of National Stroke Association 2017, 26(3):509-517.
17. Wang Y, Guo J, Lu W: Effects of rapid versus standard HIV voluntary counselling and testing on receipt rate of HIV test results: a meta-analysis. International journal of STD & AIDS 2015, 26(3):196-205.
18. Wang Y, Guo J, Lu W, Li Y, Wang J, Wan Z: Association of modifiable lifestyle behaviors with hypertension by various body mass index categories in Tianjin province of China: a cross-sectional study. Asia-Pacific journal of public health 2015, 27(2):Np266-277.
Publications in Chinese 19-56
19. 彭琴,郭剑,王媛,芦文丽.组基础模型在HIV/AIDS患者随访纵向数据研究中的应用[J].中国卫生统计,2018,35(05):666-669.
20. 成娟,梁轩,郑森爽,王晶,丁兰君,王媛,芦文丽.基于Lasso Logistic回归模型的乳腺癌高风险人群筛查利用相关因素研究[J].中华疾病控制杂志,2018,22(06):551-554+559.
21. 丁兰君,赵丽中,王媛,张伟华,芦文丽.中国结直肠癌健康风险评估模型研究[J].中国慢性病预防与控制,2018,26(05):325-328.
22. 李镠,刘轶,芦文丽.男男性行为人群新型毒品使用情况和HIV感染调查分析[J].中国慢性病预防与控制,2018,26(01):24-27.
23. 郑森爽,成娟,王媛,董燕敏,李媛媛,芦文丽.基于结构方程模型的社区糖尿病患者糖尿病认知与自我管理分析[J].中国全科医学,2017,20(29):3669-3674.
24. 成娟,王晶,丁兰君,梁轩,郑森爽,王媛,芦文丽.天津市社区女性乳房自检情况及其相关因素分析[J].现代预防医学,2017,44(16):2963-2967.
25. 杜钟庆,芦文丽.介入放射学工作人员的外照射个人剂量监测分析[J].中国工业医学杂志,2016,29(06):448-449.
26. 温鑫,郗瑞,余琦娴,曹冀,刘鸿娟,王媛,芦文丽.社区基本公共卫生服务医务人员工作满意度调查[J].中国卫生事业管理,2016,33(12):892-895+914.
27. 余琦娴,郗瑞,王媛,曹冀,刘鸿娟,黄国伟,芦文丽.社区卫生服务机构健康教育相关工作量测量[J].中国卫生事业管理,2015,32(12):890-891+901.
28. 杨岚,高鹰,李文,王媛,芦文丽.基于社区的乳腺癌筛查成本预测与控制研究[J].中国全科医学,2015,18(34):4179-4183.
29. 韩伟,余琦娴,韩驦,王媛,檀林峰,黄国伟,芦文丽.社区卫生服务机构慢性病管理相关工作量测量研究[J].中国卫生事业管理,2015,32(11):811-814+830.
30. 芦文丽,郭剑,王媛.医学研究生抑郁情绪影响因素的结构方程模型分析[J].西北医学教育,2015,23(01):80-82+100.
31. 李长春,滕莉,赵猛,王媛,黄国伟,芦文丽.天津市滨海新区塘沽社区卫生服务机构妇女保健服务的工作量分析[J].中国卫生事业管理,2015,32(01):15-17.
32. 李文玲,王媛,李文,董燕敏,芦文丽.高血压电话访问式健康管理模式成本效果分析[J].中国全科医学,2014,17(28):3375-3377.
33. 马媛,王媛,李文,芦文丽.天津市某健康管理中心体检人群的血尿酸水平分析[J].预防医学情报杂志,2014,30(03):165-168.
34. 李林,芦文丽,王媛,董燕敏,孙忠.天津市社区居民对家庭病床知晓度及意愿性调查[J].中国全科医学,2014,17(07):825-828.
35. 郭剑,芦文丽,王媛,朱士玉,张彪,杜乐.脑血管病风险因素Meta分析及个体健康危险度评价[J].中国慢性病预防与控制,2013,21(05):632-634.
36. 王璟,芦文丽,王媛,高鹰,陈可欣,王耀刚.中国女性乳腺癌筛查现状分析及优化策略[J].中国妇幼保健,2013,28(18):2864-2867.
37. 陈桂珍,芦文丽,王媛.社区育龄妇女健康问题与社区卫生服务对策分析[J].中国城乡企业卫生,2013,28(03):116-117.
38. 李林,王媛,王卫,董燕敏,孙忠,芦文丽.社区医院开展家庭病床的SWOT分析与对策研究[J].中国全科医学,2013,16(13):1096-1099.
39. 陈桂珍,李文,王媛,于维莉,张竞,芦文丽.社区少年儿童健康行为调查[J].继续医学教育,2013,27(03):26-28.
40. 黄丽媛,孙忠,王媛,芦文丽.天津市某医学院校学生对艾滋病相关知识的知晓情况[J].职业与健康,2013,29(05):533-535.
41. 黄丽媛,王媛,孙忠,芦文丽.医学本科生艾滋病检测意愿及影响因素分析[J].中国预防医学杂志,2012,13(12):876.
42. 李文,王媛,李永乐,芦文丽,万征,黄国伟.天津城市社区居民体育锻炼现状分析[J].中国慢性病预防与控制,2012,20(04):386-388.
43. 王媛,郭剑,芦文丽,李永乐,万征.肥胖人群生活行为方式对高血压患病风险影响[J].中国公共卫生,2012,28(04):462-463.
44. 王媛,于维莉,芦文丽,陈桂珍,李永乐.天津社区居民慢性病患病现状及影响因素分析[J].中国公共卫生,2012,28(03):296-298.
45. 黄丽媛,芦文丽,孙忠.我国妊娠高血压综合征相关危险因素Meta分析[J].中国预防医学杂志,2012,13(03):225-227.
46. 王璟,芦文丽,王媛,陈可欣,王耀刚.中国女性肿瘤家族史与乳腺癌发病风险关系的meta分析[J].中国妇幼保健,2012,27(07):1105-1109.
47. 李文,芦文丽,王媛,李永乐,孙跃民,黄国伟,万征,王建华.高血压患者血压控制情况及影响因素分析[J].中国公共卫生,2012,28(02):154-156.
48. 郭剑,王媛,芦文丽,王伟.冠心病个体健康危险度评估模型建立[J].中国公共卫生,2011,27(12):1619-1620.
49. 郭剑,高洪艳,芦文丽,王媛.大学生艾滋病歧视态度相关因素结构方程模型分析[J].中国学校卫生,2011,32(05):549-550+552.
50. 芦文丽,王媛,李永乐,王建华,孙跃民,万征.天津市社区成年人超重肥胖与高血压关系[J].中国慢性病预防与控制,2010,18(05):470-471+475.
51. 王媛,李永乐,王建华,万征,芦文丽,于雪芳,姚薇.天津市社区成年人超重及肥胖现况分析[J].中国公共卫生,2010,26(10):1306-1307.
52. 芦文丽,孙雯雯,王媛,纪学悦,孙忠,王伟.现场流行病学调查人员综合素质评价指标体系构建[J].现代预防医学,2010,37(03):474-477+483.
53. 芦文丽,王伟,王竞.天津市公共卫生人力资源现况调查[J].中国公共卫生管理,2006(02):93-95.
54. 王媛,王伟,芦文丽.天津市某社区老年人生活质量现况调查[J].数理医药学杂志,2006(01):65-67.
55. 陈桂珍,芦文丽,王伟.骨折住院病人的流行病学调查[J].全球正规十大网赌学报,2004(03):431-433.
56. 芦文丽,王伟,张磊.医疗保险制度实施前后医院综合效益评价[J].数理医药学杂志,2004(03):228-231.
Postgraduate training
Wenling Li(Master, 2014) Research on intervention effect of Telephone Delivered Management of Hypertension
Qixian Yu (Master, 2016) Workload of Public Health Service and Human Resource in Community Health Service Institution in Tanggu,
Lan Yang (Master, 2016) Cost-effective of Community-based Breast Cancer Screening
Xin Wen (Master, 2017) A Study Based on Grounded theory about Basic Public Health Services practice effect evaluation
Jing Wang (Master, 2017) Risk asseement of stroke in annual physical examination population based on HRA model
Lanjun Ding (Master, 2018) Comparison and Prediction of Mammography- and Ultrasound-based Breast Cancer Screening in Health Economic Evaluation
Juan Cheng (Master, 2018) Profile and predictors of breast cancer opportunistic screening utilization among female in Tianjin community
Liu Li (Master, 2018) Investigation of club drug use and infection of HIV among men who have sex with men in Tianjin
Senshuang Zheng(Master, 2019) Research on cancer screening service capacity of primary health facilities baced on ROCCIPI
Xuan Liang(Master, 2019) Health Economics Evaluation and Prediction of Colorectal Cancer Screening Project Based on Micro-simulation Model
Yi Liu (Master, 2019) Investigation on Knowledge and Attitudes and Behavior of AIDS among Students in Tianjin colleges
Membership of Academic Society
1. Committee member of Chinese Medical Association,Branch of Family Planning Science
2. Committee member of Tianjin Medical Association,Branch of general practice
3. Committee member of Tianjin Medical Association,Branchof behavioral medicine
4. Committee member of Tianjin Heart Association,Branch of Epidemiology
Third prize of Science and Technology Progress Tianjin