Xin Zhang , Ph.D, professor

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Xin Zhang Professor

Department of Maternal, Child & Adolescent Health



Research direction

1.The causes and intervention of autism.

2.The factors on influencing the growth and development of children.


1. PhD. of Child and Adolescent Health and child and woman health in Peking University.

2. Master Degree of Epidemiology in public health school of Tianjin Medical University.

3. Bachelor's degree of Tianjin Medical College.

Professional Experience

1984-now, Department of child and adolescent health, Public Health School, Tianjin Medical University.


1.A population study on the relationship between environmental risk factors in critical stage of neurodevelopment and genetic characteristics of autism spectrum disorders. National Natural Science Foundation of China,2018-2021,Principal Investigator.

2.Epidemiological characteristics of visual impairment caused by ametropia in children and juveniles, Tianjin Science and Technology Support Program, 2015-2018,Principal Investigator.

3.Study on the relationship between genetic and environmental factors related to autism during pregnancy and perinatal period, National Natural Science Foundation of China,2008-2010 Principal Investigator.

4.Population analysis of early signs of generalized developmental disorders and genetic and environmental factors, National Natural Science Foundation of China, Principal Investigator.

5.Experimental study on intervention therapy for autism and establishment of its software system, Tianjin Natural Science Foundation, Principal Investigator.


1. Wang GF, Ye S, Gao L, Han Y, Guo X, Dong XP1, Su YY, Zhang X*. Two single-nucleotide polymorphisms of the RELN gene and symptom-based and developmental deficits among children and adolescents with autistic spectrum disorders in the Tianjin, ChinaBehavioural Brain Research2018;350:1-5.

2. Liu S, Ye S, Wang Q, Cao Y, Zhang X*. Breastfeeding and myopia: A crosssectional study of children aged 6–12 years in Tianjin, China. scientific reports,2018;8:10025.

3. Cui T, Wang PP, Liu S, Zhang X*. P300 amplitude and latency in autism spectrum disorder: a meta-analysis[J]. Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry, 2017 Feb;26(2):177-190.

4. Yang S, Guo X, Dong X, Han Y, Gao L, Su Y, Dai W, Zhang X*. GABAA receptor subunit gene polymorphisms predict symptom-based and developmental deficits in Chinese Han children and adolescents with autistic spectrum disorders[J]. Sci Rep. 20177(1):3290.

5. Yang S, Dong X, Guo X, Han Y, Song H, Gao L, Dai W, Su Y, Zhang X*. Serum Oxytocin Levels and an Oxytocin Receptor Gene Polymorphism (rs2254298) Indicate Social Deficits in Children and Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Front Neurosci. 2017JUN 12;7:3290.

6. Gao L, Cui SS, Han Y, Dai W, Su YY,Zhang X*.Does Periconceptional Fish Consumption by Parents Affect the Incidence of Autism Spectrum Disorder and Intelligence Deficiency? A Case-control Study in Tianjin, China.Biomedical & Environmental Science.2016; 29(12): 885-892.

7. Gao L, Xi QQ, Wu J, Han Y, Dai W1, Su YY, Zhang X*. Association between Prenatal Environmental Factors and Child Autism: A Case Control Study in Tianjin, China. Biomed Environ Sci, 2015. 28(9): p. 642-50.

8. Zhi X, Xi W, Gao L, Huang J, Yang X, Dai W, Deng Y, Zhang X*. Physical fitness status of children and adolescents in Tianjin of China during past three decades: a cross-sectional study. Int J Clin Exp Med, 2015. 8(6): p. 9306-12.

9. Han Y, Xi QQ, Dai W, Yang SH, Gao L, Su YY, Zhang X*. Abnormal transsulfuration metabolism and reduced antioxidant capacity in Chinese children with autism spectrum disorders. Int J Dev Neurosci, 2015. 46: p. 27-32.

10. Huang JP, Cui SS, Han Y, Irva HP, Qi LH, Zhang X*. Prevalence and Early Signs of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Among 18-36 Month Old Children in Tianjin, China. Biomedical and Environmental Science,2014,27(6):453-461.