Wei Jiang, Professor
发布人:药学院-英文  发布时间:2019-12-05   浏览次数:64

Wei Jiang, M.S.


Wei Jiang,


School of Pharmacy

Tianjin Medical University             

22 Qixiangtai Road                                                                       

Tianjin 300070





B.S.      Nankai University, Tianjin, China, 1984

M.S.     TiangongUniversity, Tianjin, China, 1988


Professional Experience

2006-            Professor, School of Pharmacy, Tianjin Medical University, Tianjin, China

1998-2006   Associate Professor, School of Pharmacy, Tianjin Medical University, Tianjin, China


1. Medical Chemistry Experiment, 1st & 2nd edition, Editor-in-chief, Higher Education Press. (11th Five-Year National Program Achievement Textbook)

2. Organic Chemistry, 1st, 2nd & 3rd edition, Associate editor, Higher Education Press. (11th Five-Year National Program Textbook)

3. Organic Chemistry, Associate editor, Higher Education Press. (13th Five-Year National Program Textbook)

4. Organic Chemistry, Editorial board, Peking University Press. (12th Five-Year National Program Textbook)

5. Medical Chemistry, Editorial board, Higher Education Press. (11th & 13th Five-Year National Program Textbook)

6. Guide to Medical Chemistry, Editorial board, Higher Education Press. (11th & 13th Five-Year National Program Textbook)



  1. Teaching project supported by the National Education Commission of China, Completed, Principle Investigator.

  2. Three teaching projects supported by the National Education Commission of China, Completed, Major participant.

  3. Research project supported by the National Ministry and Commission of China, Completed, Principle Investigator.

  4. Two research projects supported by the National Ministry and Commission of China, Completed, Major participant.